LifePlus Timber Decking - Environmental Information

LifePlus Decking has been designed and is manufactured with high levels environmental awareness and responsibility.

The timber resource for LifePlus Decking is sourced primarily from forests under the stewardship of the South-East Queensland Forest Agreement (SEQFA), an agreement between Environmental Groups and the Queensland Timber Industry which includes a cessation of logging in native forests by 2024 and a transition to a plantation resource by that time.

An interesting article in an international magazine looked at some aspects of the impact of development on the environment - the making of the agreement between Environmental Groups and Timber Industry in Queensland is covered in the last third of the article for an excerpt.

  1. Timber treatment against insect and fungal attack is with a new generation non-chrome and non-arsenic preservative - traditional CCA timber treatment is not used for LifePlus Decking.
  2. The span tables in the LifePlus Decking Guide have been designed with length and size limitations. Shorter lengths and smaller cross-sections are appropriate for the reduced individual log volume available to millers under the SEQFA, from existing forests and as the industry makes the transition to a plantation based resource.
  3. LifePlus Decking and the LifePlus Decking System have been designed to significantly extend the life of timber decking projects in comparison to traditional decking. Extending the life of the decking and subframe timbers will result in less forest resource being required for maintenance, refurbishment and replacement.
  4. No rainforest timbers, including from South-East Asia or South America, are used for the manufacture of LifePlus Decking.

LifePlus Decking - a new and improved timber decking delivering longer life plus improved performance.

Resource: Printed: 2024-10-22     ©2024 LifePlus timber decking, Brisbane, Australia. All rights Reserved.